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Fungi Powder by Vet-Schroeder Tollisan

Fungi Powder by Vet-Schroeder Tollisan

Product Code: CAN0021
Quantity in Stock: 14 in stock!

Antifungal treatment
Why pigeons almost fly even faster after a fungal cure than after a Broncho-Sprint therapy is still a mystery to us. The reality is, ultimately, that many pigeons are infested with fungal problems.That a simple treatment against fungal, lasting only 2 to 3 days, can cause such a power explosion has quickly spread itself around amongst the “specialists”. Some use anti fungal two days a week. The prize lists give confirmation to the “specialists” that they are once again ahead of the competition.

With vaccinations or other medical treatments always provide Med. Tollyamin Forte in the drinking water at the same time. In this way you can avoid side effects from the medications and also plumage damage. The protective effect of Med. Tollyamin Forte is very important for the liver of your pigeons!

Dosage: 5g (1 measure) into 2 liter of drinkingwater – 5 days

Preventive: Racing season 2-3 days cure mon.-wed. every 3 weeks

Nystatin 1.648mg


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